import * as ldkit from "";
Popular namespaces used in Linked Data, fully compatible with LDkit, offering autocompletion and type checking in IDE.
Create your own namespaces using createNamespace helper.
v dbo | DBpedia Ontology |
v dc | Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 |
DCMI Metadata Terms | |
v foaf | The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language. |
v gr | GoodRelations Ontology |
LDkit Ontology | |
v owl | OWL Web Ontology Language |
v rdf | The RDF Concepts Vocabulary (RDF) |
v rdfs | The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS) | vocabulary | |
v sioc | SIOC Core Ontology Namespace |
v skos | SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System |
v xsd | XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) |
Creates a strongly typed container for Linked Data vocabulary to provide type safe access to all vocabulary terms as well as IDE autocompletion. |
Type Aliases
Original type of namespace specification | |
Resulting type of namespace providing access to all terms, prefix and IRI |